Driven by advances in technology and communications, the way we supply and consume electricity will look very different in the future.

The traditional model of large thermal power stations will be replaced by ‘the internet of energy’, a highly connective system of responsive power generation from both suppliers and consumers resulting in clean, secure and reliable electricity to power the homes, businesses and vehicles of tomorrow.

Virtue is an integrated energy management and micro-grid solution with smart grid control and will contribute to this future green energy landscape.  It is forming an integral part in the development of Smart Cities, enabling energy generated from sources such as wind and solar to be stored locally and ultimately more efficiently.

 By allowing maximum flexibility to business users and electricity grid operators, Virtue enables the evolution from the traditional model of electricity provision to a future smart system of integrated supply and consumption, resulting in lower energy costs, greater security of the supply and transition to a low carbon economy.

How Virtue benefits you:

  • Average reduction of 24% on your electricity bill (rising to 40% by 2020)
  • Minimises transmission (Triad) and Distribution (red DUoS) costs
  • Provides maximum demand control
  • Eliminates the risk of network interruption
  • Full UPS capabilities
  • Maximises income from renewable generation
  • Offers potential revenues from National Grid Incentives (FFR, EFR)


The Smart Solution

Every business in the UK is charged varying amounts for using energy at certain times of the day, in the form of DUoS and Triads. However, with the installation of energy storage solutions like Virtue, the costs can be negated. 

DUoS tariffs are charged by the UK’s electricity operators in order to maintain and develop the distribution network

To avoid DUoS charges, many companies will significantly reduce electricity consumption at peak times, usually Monday – Friday between 16:00 – 19:00 hours. However, as DUoS tariffs are published in advance, the charge can be avoided with correct load management systems, such as Virtue energy storage technology. Virtue can store electricity during off peak periods, usually from 00:00 – 07:30, 21:00 – 24:00 and across the weekend. The system will then be able to release the stored energy at a DUoS period.

Triads – three half-hour periods, which are determined by the service provider, with the highest grid demand during the winter months, can also be avoided using energy storage technology.

Triads are difficult to predict. Most electricity suppliers will try and warn customers when they believe a Triad period might be coming. Most large consumers of energy will simply choose to shut down operations when a Triad period is due to occur, as it’s the only way to avoid Triad charges completely. However by using energy stored by Virtue, businesses can come off the National Grid’s supply and utilise this instead.

By avoiding DUoS and Triad charges, alongside providing National Grid incentives to customers, energy storage solutions are already helping businesses make significant savings on electricity bills.

Even though consumer focussed energy storage technology is in its infancy, the solution is emerging as one of the best solutions to address the growing concern that national energy grids are struggling to cope with the surge in demand for electricity, which continues to accelerate.




For further information on the Virtue energy storage system, and to discuss the full commercial benefits of the innovative solution contact us on the below:


Call: +44 (0)1142 576 200                                 Email:

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