In response to Ikea’s latest initiative where it has claimed they will no longer sell halogen and ‘energy-saving’ compact fluorescent bulbs from September, Sam Woodward, customer education leader, Europe and Africa at Lutron Electronics has made the following commented:

“With the 2020 target of improving energy efficiency by 20%, energy savings are top of mind for consumers and businesses and Ikea is clearly no different. The entire industry needs to accelerate our drive towards alternative energy-saving lighting technologies such as LEDs.  

One of the many benefits of LEDs over halogens, is the long life-expectation of a high-quality LED lamp, which reduces the need to replace them so often. However, simply converting to LED is just part of the story: efficient electronics and adding automatic controls, such as LED dimming can further optimise energy efficiency. The most efficient light-source, of any type, is one which is switched off when it does not actually need to be on!

As an industry, we need to work together to ensure that we are all working towards the same goal. Lighting technology needs to bridge the gap between the population’s increasing energy demands and keeping a low carbon footprint.”