Bridgend-based Econotherm is helping businesses worldwide tackle their energy costs and improve their environmental credentials at the same time.

Heat is a waste by-product in around 60% of all industrial processes and Econotherm’s patented technology captures this heat so it can be reused for a diverse range of purposes such as heating water, air, thermal oil or even generating electricity.

Using the Econotherm technology, customers can achieve typical savings of up to 30% of their total energy/fuel costs. It’s also well suited to a variety of challenging environments as it can recover energy which is often thought to be irrecoverable.

After successfully installing its technology at a leading Indian ceramic tile manufacturer, Antique Marbonite, the company is already achieving impressive results at its dust laden Morbi manufacturing site. It can now recover and reuse 51% of all its waste heat. With the heat pipe recovery technology fully operational, the company is achieving some immediate and significant cost savings and looking forward to even greater long term savings.

Econotherm now plans to sell its technology to other ceramics manufacturers based in Morbi which is a key ceramics manufacturing centre in India.